Apr 10, 2018
The purpose of the 1916 Bursary Funding is to encourage participation and success by students from sections of society that are significantly under-represented in higher education due to socio-economic disadvantage. The South Cluster of Higher Education Institutions has been awarded 35 bursaries in total. Up to seven bursaries will be made available for ITT students. The bursaries are to the amount of €5,000 for each year of an undergraduate programme.
Eligibility to Apply:
Applications are invited from students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds in one or more of the following categories:
Household Income
In order to be considered for a bursary, your household / family income must be less than €45,790 and you must be able to provide evidence of socio-economic disadvantage (i.e. membership of one or more of the categories listed above is not enough in itself).
Application is limited to those in Year 1 of their (undergraduate) programme only
Applicants from those currently repeating Year 1 of their undergraduate programme will only be considered in cases where evidence is supplied that a significant life event was the reason for poor performance in the last academic year. Examples of such life events include major ill health which was certified at the time, pregnancy, bereavement in the immediate family.
Part-time students may apply provided the student is registered on an undergraduate programme.
As it is expected that the number of applications will exceed the number of bursaries available, the partner institutions will prioritise those who can provide evidence of membership of more than one of the categories listed above and the institutions will give due regard to ensuring that the benefit of the bursaries is maximised.
Applications are to be made online at www.ittralee.ie/1916bursaries.
The deadline for application is 4pm, 20th April, 2018 and all documentation must be included as part of your on-line application.